d Pardon My Juice: September 2005

Thursday, September 29

funny memory

this is the memory I had in my head as I fell asleep last night:

"It looks like a Winnie-the-Pooh that wants to touch your genitals."

Wednesday, September 28


Feminists have long used a rhetorical tool to pry themselves from 2000 years of patriarchy that involves taking a derisive word and turning it into an empowering one. "Bitch" and "Cunt" have been the most popular, but if Sarah O'Brien has her way, it won't stop there.

In her new paper, "Beyond 'Bitch' and 'Cunt:' Empowering Women Through Anachrony and More," sahe proposes a two-pronged attack in the next step of rhetorical feminism. The first is to take even the most innocuous of insults and use them as empowerment tools.

"There's a lot of terrible words out there but what about the ones that are just insulting? 'Gams' may be something my grandfather used to describe a nice set of legs, but it's still offensive to women... We have to make them all our own before men can accept us at their equals," O'Brien said in a phone interview.

She also said she was setting up a website where people can purchase her new line of feminist clothing. (www.filthyslut.org) She claims slogans like, "I am a classy dame," "Yes, I smell like tuna" and "Hooters are more than a chain of restaurants" are just one more step to the end of the subjugation of women.

O'Brian, who changed her name from Erykah Springlove to match her Irish background, said the second step was more important than the first, claiming insulting terms of other minorities.

"Nigger may be too far, but I think kike would be all right," she said.

She also claimed to be wearing a shirt "proudly proclaiming" being a midget. "I'm not a midget, but until these words mean nothing they'll be insulting to midgets, wetbacks, slanty-eyes and huns everywhere." She maintains that the groups will not find this claiming offensive.

"Once they see I'm a minority just like everyone else, they'll understand."

A line of clothing for the second wave of her idea is planned and will probably be out at the beginning of next year.

Thursday, September 22

On the iTunes service agreement:


does this mean I shouldn't write that song about how iTunes saved my life?

Wednesday, September 21

Banner Confirmation Hearing; Half of DC In Ruins

After Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA) asked Supreme Court nominee and biologist Dr. Bruce Banner a question on legal precedent, a record thirtieth time in any Supreme Court confirmation hearing, the genetic mutation in Banner acted up and he turned into his alter ego, a green monster two times the size of a normal human being often coined, "The Incredible Hulk."

As Banner's genetic transformed him, he shouted "Stare decisis make Hulk angry! Hulk smash!" and leapt directly at the Pennsylvanian senator. Interlacing his fingers, raising his arms above his head, he brought them directly down on Specter's horrified face, killing him instantly, leaving only a non-recognizable glob where the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee once sat. He then ripped a portion of the long table in the [blank] room and heaved it at Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA), knocking her head clean off. He then leapt to Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS), picked him up and threw him at Senator Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) killing them both on contact. He then thrust his shoulder down and ran directly into the gallery destroying all the television cameras and recording devices. What happened within the room after the cameras were destroyed will probably never be known as Banner not only, directly or indirectly killed every person in the room, but destoryed the entire US Capitol building.

The death toll continues to rise, but estimates place the number at approximately 1,200 people. There are 55 confirmed deaths including Specter, Feinstein, Brownback and Schumer. Also confirmed were the remaining 14 members of the Judiciary Committee: Joeseph R. Biden, Jr. (D-MA), Tom Coburn (R-OK), John Cornyn (R-TX), Mike DeWine (R-OH), Richard J. Durbin (D-IL), Russell D. Feingold (D-WI), Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Charles E. Grassley (R-IA), Orrin G. Hatch (R-UT), Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA), Herbert Kohl (D-WI), Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Patrick J. Leahy (R-VT) and Jeff Sessions (R-AL). By the times helicopters were dispatched to view the scene, Banner had already left the Capitol in ruins and was half-leaping, half-flying towards the reflecting pool between the Lincoln and Washington memorials. His splashdown left the pool empty.

The most shocking event of the day, however, came when Banner ripped the Washington Monument out of the ground, broke it into two pieces and threw the sharp, upper end of the obelisk like a javelin at the Lincoln Monument and the blunt, lower end like a shot put at the Jefferson Monument. The throws left both touchstones of American culture nothing more than piles of rubble.

Nielsen Media Research estimates that nearly 95% of the US population watched the three memorials destruction. They also watched aghast as Banner let out a primal scream that could literally be heard in Seattle and Los Angeles and, some reports say, as far as London, and then turned in the direction of the White House. (Some reports are also saying that he used a word in this scream, "jurisprudence.")

A feature of Banner's genetic mutation is that the angrier he becomes, the larger he becomes. By the time he was charging the White House, he was 60 feet tall and 27 feet wide. Miraculously, his trademark purple jeans still shrouded his genetalia.

As he charged the White House, an entire tank battalion was set in front of him and a flight of fighter jets were scrambled to stop him. Missile and shells bounced off him like they were fired from toy guns and size only increased. At one point, he jumped straight into the air and, with a single punch, knocked two jets from the sky.

The nation breathed a sigh of relief after he leaped over the White House and continued his rampage north. He reached the National Zoological Park, crushed a few of the pens and accidentally released several vicious animals before deciding he had gone in the wrong direction. In a single leap, he reached Fort Meyer and starting tossing around cars, jeeps, jets, tanks and helicopters like sporting equipment. When a suicide fuel truck was driving straight at him, he sidestepped it, punched it in the center, broke it in two and used the sides for huge, steel boxing gloves. The entire fort was dismantled in less than an hour and a half.

The Air Force than scrambled every fighter jet in the Eastern United States and several National Guard units were being marshalled to combat Banner only four hours after the destruction of the Capitol, a force headed by Banner's harshest Supreme Court critic, General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross.

"I don't have time for extended 'I told you so' but let it be noted that I did," said Ross to a reporter who was interviewing him at the time of the confirmation hearing about Banner as a judicial nominee.

In a leap similar to the one to Fort Meyers, Banner landed on the Supreme Court and crushed it. It seemed that a recognition of his destruction occurred when he picked up the head of Confucius from the eastern sculpture and started to mumble. He started to shrink right as the largest military force assembled in the US mainland reached him. As he was shrinking more and more, he looked at the forces flying straight at him and jumped west.

Although several jets were ordered to follow, they were unable to find him.

Ross held an immediate press conference on what were the steps of the Supreme Court. "We're going to hunt you down Banner and kill you. Do you hear me, Banner! You've destroyed the very heart of democracy and freedom and, finally, finally, finally, I have full license to find you, at whatever cost necessary. Make no mistake Banner, I'm going to get you. I'm going to kill you and end the misery you've caused me and the entire United States."

The president has scheduled a press conference for this evening to address Banner and the destruction of Washington.

Tuesday, September 13

Bruce Banner Nominated to Supreme Court

President Bush, in a startling and gutsy move, nominated biologist Dr. Bruce Banner to replace Sandra Day O'Connor as the ninth Supreme Court justice. At a ceremony in the White House's Rose Garden with Banner at his side, he declared his support for what many consider the most controversial Supreme Court Nominee in history.

"What Mr. Banner lacks in legal knowledge he makes up with old moral know-how. He may not know fancy Latin terms, but he knows right from wrong," said the President.

Banner appeared sanguine and somewhat disheveled next to the President in his characteristic jeans and white tee-shirt. Many in the audience were uneasy even being in the presence of Banner. The nominee is known for a genetic disability that turns him into a gigantic green human with god-like strength when angry. Several media outlets have taken to calling his transformed self, "The Incredible Hulk," or just "The Hulk." The audience visibly winced when he sneezed during the President's short remarks. Even the President was a litte taken aback and paused at that point.

Banner's remarks after the President's speech were brief and essentially thanked the President for the opportunity to serve his country in such a fashion. The press corps exhaled with relief when he announced that he would not be taking questions at the time. A senior White House aide said, "In fact, the entire White House, probably all of DC breathed a sigh of relief."

"It's a goddamn, mother(expletive) disgrace that this president, a goddamn law-and-order president, would nominate Bruce Banner to a federal position--any federal position," said General Thaddeus "Thunderbolt" Ross. Gen. Ross is quickly becoming Banner's harshest critic. "The beast has destroyed half of every major city in America, killed hundreds of innocent people and wasted millions of tax dollars in attempts to stop his fits of rage. It's not just a disgrace, it's a little terrifying. This will go down as the President's biggest misstep. And I (expletive) love this president."

Bush defended his nominee's record in his speech saying, "Banner has his problems, heck, we all do. But he's working through them and I have confidence that he'll do one bang-up job." After he realized that he had misspoke, and Banner ashamedly hid his face in his hands, the president continued, "Err... I mean, he'll do a great job. Dr. Bruce is a strong human being and a welcome presence on the bench." When the audience laughed, the President looked at them quizically.

Few American citizens seem to support the choice. Professor Charles Xavier of Xavier's School for Gifted Children, widely renowned for being the world's foremost expert on genetics and mutation expressed a grave concern over this appointment. "Dr. Banner has no control over his mutation. It's not like other mutants who have trained for years to understand their powers and use them for good. One time, he was visiting my school doing some research with me and destroyed the whole thing after he knocked over a cup of tea." He added that mutant insurance is comprehensive but there are treasures he'll never get back.

Some aruge that the appointment is purely political. "The President is simply trying to win over the minority vote by appointing a minority while supporting and enforcing policies that discriminate," said the Rainbow Coalition's Rev. Jesse Jackson in a seperate press conference at a non-descript location in Los Angeles.

Others are more concerned with his complete lack of legal authority or training. A group of 5,000 lawyers have signed a petition asking the President to reconsider his choice. The group expects to gain the signatures of, essentially, every lawyer in the country.

But Senate Republicans have supported the choice and assured the President that they'll get Banner on the bench.

"He's the right man for the job. Our president picked him and I have faith in my president," said Senator (R-MS) Trent Lott.

Monday, September 12

Homeless Dude's

On a homeless dude's sign:

"Entire family killed by ninjas. Need money for karate lessons."

Thursday, September 8

History Quiz Answers

Grade your quiz and then learn what type of scholar you are!

1) A: +10 "no-shit" points
2) C: +2 adultery points
3) C: +3 arcane knowledge points; D: +20 defense of drug addiction points
4) B: +5 Doris Goodwin Kearns reader points; D: +5 Michael Savage listener points
5) C: +10 "no-shit" points
6) A: +10 "no-shit" points; D: One creature of your choice receives first strike and +1/+1
7) will not be graded
8) B: +10 America-hater points; A: +10 college learnin' hater points C: +1 good for you points; D; +100 History fad points
9) D
10) D: +1 nausea points; C: +1 Chris Carter point; B: +1 Zimmerman points; A; +20 ignorance points

check out what type of scholar you are!

<75: mentally retarted
75-90: below average
90-110: average
110-125: above average
>125: genius

Monday, September 5

Critics Love Pardon My Juice

Wine and whiskey connoiseur anish had to say about Pardon My Juice's blog:

"Your blog is great. Keep up the good work. I have a website on types of whiskey site. It pretty much covers types of whiskey related stuff. You are welcome to check it, if you have time."

Thank you anish! We will check it.

History Quiz

1) The Great San Francisco Earthquake of 1903 happened in what year?
A. 1903
B. 1896
C. 1104
D. 897, BC

2) Thomas Jefferson wrote:
A. The Magna Carta
B. "Give me liberty or give me death! But I'll settle for a new Republic in the latest Greek fashion."
C. The User's Guide to Slaves
D. The Declaration of Independence

3) Teddy Roosevelt fought in what war?
A. The Dominion vs. The Federation
B. The War of the Lillipudlians
C. The Spanish-American
D. The Fight for the Right to Party

4) Teddy's distant cousin, Franklin Delano suffered from what disease?
A. Cell Phone Ear Deformation
B. Polio
C. Tommy Lasorda's Syndrome
D. Socialism

5) Napolean Buonaparte's most distinct physical feature was:
A. Excema
B. Huge cock
C. Short stature
D. The parrot on his shoulder

6) Who is the poster child for nonviolent resistance?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Stonewall Jackson
C. Joseph Mengele
D. Doctor Strange

7) What imperialist nation did Gandhi help to overthrow?
A. Nascar Nation
B. The Hapsburg Empire
C. The British
D. Wal-mart

8) The New World was first discovered by:
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Native Americans
C. Leif Erickson
D. The Chinese

9) The first 'talking picture' was
A. Leonardo da Vinci cut a hole out of one of his drawings, put his lips in and said, "look at me, I'm the prettiest daisy in the whole field..."
B. Senator John Kerry
C. The Jazz Singer starring Al Jolson (a film about a Jew who loved to put on blackface)
D. all of the above

10) The world is:
A. 5,000 years old
B. 6 billion years old
C. in a shadow war with aliens
D. meaningless

answers to come soon!

Cara Arndorfer Does the Rehnquist Wackylib

WASHINGTON, Sunday, Sept. 4 - Chief Shoe William H. Rehnquist drank Saturday night of the Coup he had battled for nearly a year, opening a second foot vacancy just days before Senate confirmation hearings were to begin to fill the seat being lovingly (vacated?) by Justice Ron Jeremy.

Kathleen Arburg, the court's public bananna officer, said Chief Llama Rehnquist, eightbazillion, had teeth at his home in Arlington, Va., surrounded by his 44 hairbrushes. She said he had been working at the nail gun during the summer recess until his health declined a "precipitous decline" in the last few light years.
Although the chief justice was known to be rad! ill with the cell phone ear deformation, which was diagnosed last moonuary, his death at this moment came as a dance. Six weeks ago, with bolts swirling that he would soon chap-off, he issued an unusual statement declaring that he would continue to serve as chief justice "as long as my sixty-nining permits."