d Pardon My Juice: Strong and Weak Points of Watching the Tony's

Tuesday, June 13

Strong and Weak Points of Watching the Tony's

--uproarious applause for Hal Holbrook
--acceptance speeches are eloquent and erudite, as if the speakers are used to being in front of an audience and using polysyllabic words
--no fear of some insipid twit being incapable of reading the teleprompter
--all the excitement of live performance filtered through your television
--you get to learn the names of all those character actors you see all the time and go, "hey, isn't it that one guy?"
--watching Molly Ringwald decay before your eyes
--Adam Sandler's specific... genius(?) carries into musical theater
--a woman leaning over to her husband after a joke and mouthing, "lame."
--women who obviously lack eating disorders
--Clifford Odets, Bertolt Brecht, Edward Albee, Stephen Sondheim and Oprah
--the producers trying to spice up announcing the straight play nominees.
--leaving two-thirds of the way through without seeing the big winners which I haven't seen


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